Pueblo style homes are a regional architectural style of the southwestern United States, namely New Mexico and have deeper roots than almost any other kind of American architecture. The style which was derived from Spanish missions gained popularity in the 1920s and 1930s and is still commonly used today.
Pueblo style architecture seeks to mimic adobe construction (sun-dried mud) although more modern materials such as brick and concrete are now used. When adobe is not used, rounded corners, irregular parapets, and thick, battered walls are used to create its likeness. From the soft, adobe style buttresses and walls, to the warmth of the hand hewn beams, corbels and canales, a true pueblo style home will never be outdated.
Colors in these homes are usually always earth tones and walls are usually stuccoed. Roofs are always flat on these homes and other distinctive characteristics include projecting wooden roof beams, which don’t actually serve a structural purpose.
Key Components of Pueblo Style Homes:
Earthy materials. Pueblo-style homes are sometimes made of traditional adobe, but can also be built with concrete, brick, stucco or mortar.
Massive wood pieces. Heavy doors, ceiling beams and porch posts are a striking counterpart to the smooth walls typical of pueblo architecture. The timbers used are called vigas and they’re usually exposed at the ends.
Enclosed courtyards. As traditional Indian Pueblos were organized around a common space, pueblo homes often incorporate a sheltered courtyard or patio for gathering.
Rounded exteriors with square windows. These portray the look of the traditional Indian Pueblos.
Flat or sloping roofs with parapets. Parapets are low walls that extend above the roofline; drainage canals called canales at times extend through them.
If you’re looking for a pueblo style home in Las Cruces, contact Chris Harrison today.